Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Anon GF Is Bored To Tears By SciFi.

Except Firefly.  That was pretty good. 

And Serendipity.  That too.

Oh! And Battlestar Galactica.  That wasn't bad.

And as long as we watched that, Caprica was O.K.

"Oooh!  Let's watch some more Dr. Who tonight!"

Resistance is futile!

P.S. She's announced that she's knitting me a TARDIS.  w00t!

Friday, May 25, 2012

JEEEEEEZUS, It's loud in here!

Just a few random things for you.

The house two doors down from us is undergoing a gut-renovation.  They knew they'd be removing the entire interior, but I think they were a bit surprised when they discovered they'd have to completely replace the roof.  And the entire back wall. And most of the floors. They work from 8:30 or so in the morning til Five-ish.  They're really nice, but they're LOUD.

The church five doors down from us in the other direction is being turned into condos.  In addition to  whatever interior construction that requires, they're also putting in a 30 car underground garage and putting up another building in the rear yard.  When they started excavating for the garage, they had a steady procession of larger and larger equipment to deal with the "rock" that turned out to be directly and continuously connected to a small mountain somewhere in Pennsylvania.  I've never met any of these guys, but they too are LOUD.  They, also work during the daytime, so it's not the end of the world.

Then there's the school across the street from us.  They're doing masonry work.  But they "can't" do the work during school hours, so those guys come to work at 4 in the afternoon and work til 11 at night.  And they're chipping and grinding and banging and every other damned thing they can think of to make noise.  Until 11 o'clock every night.  I'm pretty sure there's a guy there whose job is to just bang a couple of cans together.  THEY'RE LOUD.  And they're scheduled to be there for EIGHTEEN MONTHS.  I hate them.

There's another house being renovated next door to the church.  They've been on a stop-and-start schedule for a while now -- depending on when they have money to continue working.  They're mostly stopped.  I've never met them, but I like them a lot.

Some of this may make me a BAD PERSON, but I think I can live with the stigma.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

CSI: Brooklyn. Ornithological Division.

On the evening of Thursday, May 10th, a deceased pigeon was discovered behind the trash cans at a Brooklyn residence.  Local authorities responded promptly and began a thorough investigation.

Cause of death remains undetermined at this time, but the circumstances are being characterized as "suspicious".

Through this surveillance photo, Police have identified a "Pigeon of Interest" and hope to locate him for questioning.
Police are actively requesting information from the public and assure you that all callers' confidentiality will be protected. 

Updates will be supplied as warranted.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012