Monday, February 20, 2012

Mutants, Lepers & Debutante Cotillions.

In yesterdays' comments, timb111 recommended a book set in a Post Apocalyptic Society.  Ah...Society.  Could little things like nuclear winter, bacterial epidemics or rampant anarchy put a stop to Society Announcements?

I think not.
All announcements are embiggable!


TimBo said...

An image of Hermie Begelman has lodged itself in my brain. I am horrified that I am in communication with someone who can conceive of such a creature.

Well done!

Nathan said...

It might have been partially inspired by the picture I saw yesterday of a cat with 23 toes. It was impressive.

Warner said...

Were any of the toes opposable? If so we have a new set of Masters, one that will be able to pick things up.

vince said...

Those were awesome!

Nathan said...


The whole genius of cats is that they get us to do all of the picking up of stuff. And everything else.

Tom said...

Now if, instead of both male and female genitalia, Hermie had 2 penises, would it still be one bris, or two brisses (brees? breaux? brisi?) What the hell is the plural of bris, anyway?

Nathan said...
