Remember last month when I was in Binghamton doing the locations for a music video? Well, it was the video for Taylor Swift's new single Back to December. And apparently, they released it today.
I've been getting slammed since this afternoon with Google Searches mentioning the video and December and Binghamton. (OK, not like Fark sized slamming...more like double my usual anemic traffic.) And not before the regulars had a chance to put me over the 60,000 hits mark!
Anyway, here's the video. The part I was involved with is all of the shots of the guy wandering around in the snow. (They shot her parts earlier elsewhere.)
Taylor Swift, huh.
Not too shabby dude, not too shabby.
saloo = saloon for loopy people
I'm on Team Taylor!
..oh wait. I may have my teenage fan girl pop culture references mixed up...
I'm not even cool enough to mix up my teenage fangirl references...
I had to Google "Team Taylor" to figure out that there was another one!
Not only are there two Taylors, but they used to date.
Yeah. That's right. Consider your mind blown.
Mind completely blown. Comprehension shot. No longer able to follow simple commands. Motor functions partially disabled.
Please kick chest to restart breathing.
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