Thursday, January 13, 2011

W0,000t (with update!)

Sometime today, we're gonna hit the 60,000 visitor mark here at Polybloggimous!  I suppose it'll look kinda cool on the counter there, but otherwise, I have no idea of it's significance.

Wiki is unhelpful.  Witness the enlightening info they give me about the number's significance:

Somebody likes the number.  Look at all these pics you can find when you search Google for images of 60,000.

This last picture seems a little out of place, but it was there on the GoogleSearch, so I am dutifully including it.

I'll put the question to you guys.  Somebody please tell me something awesometastic about the number Sixty-Thousand so I can be all massively proud of this non-achievement.
Update: So Megan showed up at 3:48 p.m. wanting to know if she was #60,000 and informing me that she wanted a prize.  Alas...she was number 60,001.

No, the 60,000th visitor arrived two minutes earlier -- at 3:46:13 p.m. from Waterloo, Ontario.  I'm told that's in Canada or some other fictitious place.  This person looked at one page and stayed around for approximately zero seconds!

However, we can not only bask in the schadenfreude of knowing that Megan missed by two lousy minutes...she's also responsible for sending the visitor who beat her out!

Megan...I believe one of your readers owes you a prize.

Burma Shave!


Megan said...

If the population of Yellowknife tripled, there would be almost 60,000 people here.

Nathan said...

So, if you can get everybody in Yellowknife to visit 3 times today, we can almost double my stats in 24 hours.

Please get right on that!

Thank you.

Steve Buchheit said...

w00t! Is it me, is it me, is it me?

Probably not. Sigh. And all I have to console myself is a banana hammock. Thanks, Nathan. :(

mattw said...

It's 12 more than the number I saw on the counter just now.

It's about twice the number of items checked out from the library I work at in August 2007.

It's more than half the miles that are on my car.

Megan said...

Am I #60,000? I want a prize!

Nathan said...


You were number Sixty-Thousand and one. You missed by about two minutes.

I shall report on #60,000 in a little bit...when I think of something momentous to say about it!

Eric said...


Eric said...


Eric said...

Eric said...

Eric said...

Eric said...


Eric said...


Eric said...


Eric said...


Eric said...


Eric said...


Eric said...


Nathan said...

Just a whisker away Eric.

Megan said...

No, I was #60,000! I probably cheated. Fine, I actually did cheat. But I came here on my phone, saw the counter was at 59,999, and then used my computer to leave the comment. I saw the 60,000 during that visit. I want a prize!

Megan said...

Confirmed -- iPhone users in Yellowknife show up as Waterloo. I don't know why. But that's me!

Nathan said...

OK Megan, Let's just say I accept that you magically transport all the way across the country every time you switch communications devices. And let's just say I accept that it was, in fact, you visiting from Waterloo and then two minutes later from Yellowknife (in spite of the fact that you haven't offered to provide photos with embedded GPS and timestamps). Let's just say I accept all that.

But what is this prize you speak of? Was there a prize promised? Was there even a prize alluded to?


And, last, but not least...even if there was a prize and even if I accepted that you are the winner, you should be aware that all Polybloggimous prizes are on backorder. Not because I don't have them...because I'm terrible at wrapping them up and mailing them! Eric and Michelle's prizes have been sitting on a table here for more than a year. I regularly move them around when they're in the way.

OK, tell ya what I'll do. I shall, in good time, find something to serve as an appropriate prize. I shall then, in good time, put said prize in close proximity to Eric and Michell's prizes. Then, I shall, on a regular basis, move said prize around to get it out of my way.

Eventually, I shall wrap up said prize and send it winging its way to you. (But not until after Eric and Michelle get their loot. I'm seriously crappy at getting stuff sent anywhere.)

P.S. Do you mind picking it up in Guelph?

Megan said...

A prize! A prize! This is the best thing that's happened to me all day! (It has been a lousy day.)

Nathan said...

In that case, my poor mailing skilz totally work to your benefit! This can be the best thing that's happened to your all day for days, nay, even months to come!