Here are some random quotes from today's news all strung together:
"I do not know when we will hear from him. It does not matter if it takes some time to consider it, as long as they give it proper consideration." It is something of a fairytale. And it all began with a second hand bicycle that was gathering dust in a north London junk shop. I pack away my binoculars and prepare to head back to camp for breakfast. It takes the form of a family video featuring children playing in the flat. I would love to congratulate you rather than admonish you," she added. ... but there was no way to say "I love you" and "pass the salt" - the French linguists' criteria for detecting life.
I have no idea what any of that means, but I could certainly imagine it all making some kind of sense.
I hereby deem this
International Contextual Abstinence Day!
Have at it!
Have at it!
Updated to add something else completely out of context...
Go ahead and try it! It's fun!
You talk about this is if it would be something unusual today.
No bunnies this week at all.
Aren't the bunnies migratory?
(Ooops. Sorry, that seems to have been in context. It won't happen again.)
But thanks to the recent monsoons here, there are the fattest berries on the dogwood by my front window! Birds, squirrels & chipmunks were fighting over them this morning.
I haven't brushed my teeth yet.
Rule #4: Elephants must wear pants.
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