Monday, October 19, 2009

My Thousandth Post! Wooohoooo!

Sunrise on West 19th Street


Shawn Powers said...

That's actually a pretty nifty photo. :)

Tom said...

Congrats on such an impressive milestone. Y1K (Your 1,000)

Nathan and Polybloggimous FTW!

Ilya said...

Congrats, Nathan! From someone who's enjoyed your last 700 or so entries: Keep it up!

Carol Elaine said...

Ilya, does that mean you thought Nathan's first 300 entries sucked? Dude, that's harsh.


Aw, I remember my first 1000 posts. However, considering I've been "maintaining" a blog since 2003 and am only 36 posts beyond your milestone, I think that either I'm not posting that often or you're posting a hell of a lot. Because both options can't possibly be true, can they?

Whichever it is, congrats, Nathan! And Shawn's right - that is a nifty photo. Very cool.

Steve Buchheit said...

boy, some people are wordy on the intertubies... ;)

Congrats. Now dance monkey boy! Your audience requires entertainment.

Eric said...

It is a nice image. And congrats on the 1000th post!

MWT said...

Yay 1000 posts! Nice photo. Too bad you can't actually see the sun in it. >.>

Nathan said...

Thanks everybody.

And, you'd be able to see the sun if I weren't on West 19th St. (All of 9-1/2 looong blocks from he East River.)

vince said...

1K - yay!

Eric said...

The sun would probably just wash it out. Instead you get that nice "magic hour" light.

Jeri said...

Congrats! Wonder how many I've done??? I'm not quite as prolific. :)

(looks it up -- 821 -- ouch! I've been blogging lots longer.)

Keep it up, always very entertaining.

Random Michelle K said...

How many posts do I have?

Well, I have 3093 posts in WordPress, but that doesn't count the book blog, and posts before January 2004.