Ilya, does that mean you thought Nathan's first 300 entries sucked? Dude, that's harsh.
Aw, I remember my first 1000 posts. However, considering I've been "maintaining" a blog since 2003 and am only 36 posts beyond your milestone, I think that either I'm not posting that often or you're posting a hell of a lot. Because both options can't possibly be true, can they?
Whichever it is, congrats, Nathan! And Shawn's right - that is a nifty photo. Very cool.
That's actually a pretty nifty photo. :)
Congrats on such an impressive milestone. Y1K (Your 1,000)
Nathan and Polybloggimous FTW!
Congrats, Nathan! From someone who's enjoyed your last 700 or so entries: Keep it up!
Ilya, does that mean you thought Nathan's first 300 entries sucked? Dude, that's harsh.
Aw, I remember my first 1000 posts. However, considering I've been "maintaining" a blog since 2003 and am only 36 posts beyond your milestone, I think that either I'm not posting that often or you're posting a hell of a lot. Because both options can't possibly be true, can they?
Whichever it is, congrats, Nathan! And Shawn's right - that is a nifty photo. Very cool.
boy, some people are wordy on the intertubies... ;)
Congrats. Now dance monkey boy! Your audience requires entertainment.
It is a nice image. And congrats on the 1000th post!
Yay 1000 posts! Nice photo. Too bad you can't actually see the sun in it. >.>
Thanks everybody.
And, you'd be able to see the sun if I weren't on West 19th St. (All of 9-1/2 looong blocks from he East River.)
1K - yay!
The sun would probably just wash it out. Instead you get that nice "magic hour" light.
Congrats! Wonder how many I've done??? I'm not quite as prolific. :)
(looks it up -- 821 -- ouch! I've been blogging lots longer.)
Keep it up, always very entertaining.
How many posts do I have?
Well, I have 3093 posts in WordPress, but that doesn't count the book blog, and posts before January 2004.
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