Saturday, September 5, 2009

Cats! More Popular Now Than Ever (since the blogosphere demands constant content).

Here we have LuLu proving that a cat can fit into any bag, even if it needs some slight renovations first.

And Widget, proving that there is no box too small for a cat (if you don't concern yourself too much about overflow).


Eric said...

I always find the feline obsession with getting inside small containers fascinating. Do they think they're invisible now? That they have found a secure position and are now safe inside the paper bag or box lid? Have they established alpha-cat bona fides by laying claim to a territory no other cat will be able to share, therefore rendering it "impossible" for another cat to become a rival within the very small space? Or is it just very, very comfortable, when you're a cat, to have your ass surrounded on four sides by paper?

Bast only knows.

WendyB_09 said...

I dunno...I've got a friend whose cat always gets into the shopping bag or box I used to carry goodies or projects into her house. Which means when I'm ready to leave I have to evict Elvis so I can leave the building!!

Anonymous said...

Cats and vintage tablecloth.

Nathan said...

I'm told you can use woven cat whiskers to repair tablecloths like that. (It was beautiful.)


Jeri said...

There's not much that's smaller than Pippin at the moment. He could about fit in a camera case. :)

Cute, very cute, especially Widget, who looks kinda pissed.

Nathan said...

Pissed? That's Widget's happy face.

Jeri said...

And that's a 8 1/2 X 11 printer paper case box? ;)

Random Michelle K said...

The way things work here, is that if there is something on the floor--box, paper, a pile o' magazines, plastic sheeting, a post-it note--a cat must sit on that. And if time allows, both cats must sit on it in turn.

neurondoc said...

Michelle -- same thing here. Clean laundry is one of the favorite things to sit on...