Friday, July 10, 2009

This place has been broken for a couple of days. Now it's still a little broken.

I have no idea whether or not anybody else will find their way here today. It seems that if you don't type in the original .blogspot address or the polybloggimous address WITH a www. prefix, you won't get here.

My blogroll got eaten---it's gone. Most links to older posts won't work because their linked without the www. prefix.

Maybe I can fix it all when I get home and have a phone that doesn't drop my calls every 12 seconds.

Say "Hi" if you got here.


neurondoc said...

Hi. Thank goodnes you're back. I've been pining away. :-)

Steve Buchheit said...

Hi. RSS seems to be working fine.

Nathan said...

I'm probably going to leave the place semi-broke until I get back to civilization (with a real internet and phone connection).

John the Scientist said...

Jim is just talking out his frustrations on you. He's a bitter, bitter man, and he's afraid he's going to be converted into a neocon before he gets back.

Carol Elaine said...

Hi. Like neurodoc, I've been pining away, so I'm happy that now the blog is mostly back. Otherwise I'd have to go through your blog's clothes and look for loose change.

kimby said...

YAY! Nathan DIDN'T break the internet...or at least has applied a band-aid!

Yes, I got here.

MWT said...

I didn't get here, sorry, no "hi" from me.

Tom said...

Hi from me, finally. I didn't know what was up, but I knew I missed you and your blog!

I posted about how much I missed my (almost) daily dose of Nathan, and Vince came to my rescue with the WWW prefix info.

I just took me much longer than most people, and I needed help...


ntsc said...

I had to get help also, but did find you again.

Nathan said...

I swear...all will be back to normal soon.