Friday, December 12, 2008

Those (expletive) Blagojevich's Are Just Too (expletive) Cute For (expletive) Words. (Expletive) You, Too!

I hate my moratorium.


mattw said...

Around these parts we're all so proud of our politicians.

Chris said...

Nathan, to help you with your moratorium, just start using the AP method: "Something (expletive) something. Blah blah(expletive) blah." Just as effective, right? You don't need the f-bomb!

Not to hijack, but any plans on posting more from There's No Crying in the Warroom?

Nathan said...


The (expletive) really loses something in translation.

And while I'm utterly shamed by my lack of progress with Warroom, I also get a kick out of how the updating history shows up on Konstantin's blogroll. (You have to click the "show all" button and scroll to the bottom.)

mattw said...

Nathan, does that mean you're a time traveler? What can you tell me of the future? Does it turn out that Lost was just one long dream sequence? If so, that would suck.

Nathan said...

No time traveling. And rest assured, if I suddenly developed that super power, I wouldn't waste in on Lost (which I gave up on about three episodes into the second season). WTF?

mattw said...

The second season was a little flat in the beginning, but it's soooooo good. Can't wait for season 5 to start.

Chris said...

90 years ago. That gave me a chuckle.

Go out and rent all of the Lost seasons that you missed and catch up. It got really good again.

And don't feel to bad about the book. I have stories I started years ago and never finished.

Nathan said...

I swear I'm gonna finish it in time to be published to coincide with the next Presidential election cycle.

(I think that gives ma about a year from now.)

Anonymous said...

Blago NEEDS to be impeached, for ONE REASON ONLY....The Hair!

Anonymous said...

Leanright is correct.

Truly, the season of peace is upon us.


Nathan said...

If I must, I'll reintroduce discord here by talking about chicken livers.

That always raises someone's blood pressure!