Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Good News is...

When I get out of here there shall be many fine rant to follow...although sadly, no pitures of me with my ass hanging out of one of those gowns..

Thanks for the good wishes.


Random Michelle K said...

Thank goodness!

...about the lack of pictures. :)

vince said...

Oh I don't know. I think that there could be great humor with such pictures.

But seriously, sounds like there's improvement, and that's good. We anxiously await your return, oh great one.

Michael Taylor said...

Emergency rooms -- I've been there too, and it's no damned fun at all. 15 hours to be admited? Yikes... Sorry to hear of your medical misadventures, but hope you're feeling better and will be back at the keyboard soon. And I think we're all looking forward to the rant.

Anonymous said...

It was more like 5 hours.....

Anon GF

Anonymous said...

You know, I'm not sure I need a picture of that either - I'm getting enough of a visual as it is.

Keep mending!

neurondoc said...

But I want to see that picture. It would cheer the rest of us up. :-P Feel better, and don't let any of the interns practice on you.

mattw said...

Glad you're feeling better.

Shawn Powers said...

15 hours... "it was more like 5 hours"

Time dilation sickness. I've seen it before, it's very rough. The rehabilitation process involves vacuuming and cooking. :)

-Dr. Powers

Janiece said...

Feel better soon! Because really, getting back to the Intertoobs in order to entertain us should be your first priority.

Yes. Yes it should.

Just joking you. Come home SOON!

Random Michelle K said...

don't let any of the interns practice on you

I'll second that.

But I'll also say that every single resident that my grandmother has seen has been AWESOME.

Unlike some doctors, they direct their conversation to HER instead of to me, although it occasionally takes a hint for them to get that I'm there as a backup not as a caretaker.

Jim Wright said...

Don't listen to the them, Nathan. I want to see pictures on the Six-O-clock news of a skinny guy who looks like Gene Shallot wandering through Times Square in a hospital robe and a pair of paper slippers, raving and disorientated.

Oh, wait, that's normal, isn't it? Nevermind. Just get better. The Internet is not the same without you.

neurondoc said...

Remind me to tell you about the surgery I had in mid-July 1989. I had just finished my 1st year of med school and was merciless towards the wet-behind-the-ears intern who came in to examine me. (He was cocky and annoying, and I refused to tolerate it.)

And remember that at some (many?) NYC hospitals, the interns and even residents wear short white coats...

Chris said...

Christ, I ignore the Interweb for two days and you end up in the hospital! I miss out on all the excitement. Hope the drugs are good.

Get better Nathan :)

Tania said...

Dude (I love calling you "Dude"), I have spent way too much time in hospitals that I am not employed at/in/with lately. So don't make this a habit, or I'll use airline mileage to fly my size 14 ass down there and kick your skinny one until it's healthy.

Do you understand?

Tough love. That's what we practice around here.

neurondoc said...

Tania said: "I'll use airline mileage to fly my size 14 ass down there and kick your skinny one until it's healthy."

Oooh, can I watch?