Sunday, August 10, 2008

New Banner...For The Moment.

It's really imperfect isn't it? There's a mark over the left hand that shouldn't be there. There's a little red dotted line telling us that spellcheck thinks I'm an idiot.

Imperfection is utterly appropriate! For the moment.

Update: Some imperfections have been removed.


John the Scientist said...

Why did you change? To get rid of the lamb? :D

Nathan said...

Nah. I just wanted something new. I'm sure that one will show up again in the rotation at some point.

And I may monkey with this one a little more, too.

Jeff Hentosz said...

What a strange coincidence. I'm reading through the three Absolute Sandman collections at present (they're gorgeous books and heavier than fuck), and last night I finished volume two, which concludes with a story about Marco Polo lost in a desert, the name of which translates as "the place you go into and don't come out of." And now look at your new tag line. Funny.

Also, FWIW, minor weirdness: in my browser (Safari 3/OS X 10.5) your banner always exceeds its boundary on the right by maybe 10 or 20 pixels, and overlaps the double-line border. It's always been so since you started. Can I assume it looks just fine on your screen?

Nathan said...

Jeff, I was actually thinking about the old Roach Motel tagline when I came up with that.

And no. It doesn't look just fine on my screen...exact same problem. It's not a browser issue. Regardless of how I adjust the size...smaller, hoping to fit or larger, hoping to just cover all of the border, it always lines up with that spill to the right.

For the moment, it's another imperfection that I'm not going to worry about for the moment.

Random Michelle K said...

You could look for the formatting for the border and simply delete it.


I'd guess the problem has to do with padding and margins.

Nathan said...

Y'mean like that?

Jeff Hentosz said...

There ya go!

Gee, that Michelle is handy to have around. Hey, Michelle -- I have a client's "Services Offered" graphic I need to design, as well as an overdue book cover (three concepts, asap, and I have one). Whadya got for me?

MWT said...

Could be worse. Could be like Jim's blog which says "Stonekett" unless you scroll to the right...

Random Michelle K said...

Jeff, the problem with my services is that they're never *quite* what you were expecting...

Anonymous said...

Michelle, kind of like the "iphone shuffle"?

Nathan, I like it. :)