I had to fill out forms in triplicate, get my ass notarized, and swear on a stack of shredded FedEx boxes in front of a Postal Inspector that I wasn't trying to send terroristic materials to Canada.
On the plus side, yours cost less than the ones going to Alaska. (Stupid great white north!)
I'm even adding in some extra wiggle, just for you Nathan!
And come now, it's not THAT bad to send things to Canada! Though perhaps it's just that the lovely lady at my post office (who knows me [and Michael] by name) likes me better than your postal people like you?
1) If you just moved to a small city... no wait. Doesn't Jim hate his post office? OK, maybe a small friendly city then, all your problems would be solved?
2) Jim, that's what you get for not paying attention. ppfftt!
Thank you, Nathan. I'm looking forward to it. Quite the good luck on my part to have discovered your blog the day you posted the offer for the chocolates!
Nathan, I found your blog through a link at the Anonymous PA blog (http://anonymousassistant/wordpress.com), but I believe I also saw it listed as a "Top Recommendation" on my Google Reader home page.
I will continue to be a loyal lurker, but I'm not sure how many pithy comments I'll be able to come up with.
Keep up the great work. And thanks again for the chocolates!
Woo WOO!
JUST in time...trust me!
I had to fill out forms in triplicate, get my ass notarized, and swear on a stack of shredded FedEx boxes in front of a Postal Inspector that I wasn't trying to send terroristic materials to Canada.
On the plus side, yours cost less than the ones going to Alaska. (Stupid great white north!)
Dear Nathan,Yummy! Thanks, and I love you. :-D
Dear Husband, No you can't have any...
Nathan, I don't love you, but I am very fond of the chocolate you sent.
And very appreciative!
Woo hoo! Many thanks, sir.
(happy dance)
(happy dance)
(happy dance)
I'm even adding in some extra wiggle, just for you Nathan!
And come now, it's not THAT bad to send things to Canada! Though perhaps it's just that the lovely lady at my post office (who knows me [and Michael] by name) likes me better than your postal people like you?
My post office hates me with the burning passion of the sun. (Whatever that means.)
But is is chocolate...so it is sooooo worth it.
Did I mention how handsome you look in your teak hat?
Oh wait...you ALREADY sent the chocolate....never mind :)
1) If you just moved to a small city... no wait. Doesn't Jim hate his post office? OK, maybe a small friendly city then, all your problems would be solved?
2) Jim, that's what you get for not paying attention. ppfftt!
Nathan. I love you.
<3 U.
I've never had smoked salmon. Do they have smoked salmon to give away in NY?
I love you too, Jeff. I'll email you a notification before I have any herring, chopped liver, or lutefisk giveaways so you can get in there first.
Thank you, Nathan. I'm looking forward to it. Quite the good luck on my part to have discovered your blog the day you posted the offer for the chocolates!
Jim and Nathan must share the same post office. Somehow.
You now owe us pithy witty comments on a regular basis. Bwahahahaha! Another innocent fallen victim to my evil plans.
(How'd you find this place anyway? Just curious.)
Nathan, I found your blog through a link at the Anonymous PA blog (http://anonymousassistant/wordpress.com), but I believe I also saw it listed as a "Top Recommendation" on my Google Reader home page.
I will continue to be a loyal lurker, but I'm not sure how many pithy comments I'll be able to come up with.
Keep up the great work. And thanks again for the chocolates!
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