Thursday, April 23, 2009

Go Ahead. Kiss® My Ass!

Some of you prize winners and some of you non-winners may be pleased to know that not only does Jacques Torres make some wonderfully awesome chocolates...he also has a fairly awesome attorney who majored in STFU.

Way to go Jacques!


Janiece said...

I think I may be in love with Jacques' attorney.

And how the hell did I miss a CHOCOLATE GIVEAWAY.

Nathan said...

"And how the hell did I miss a CHOCOLATE GIVEAWAY"I was kinda wondering that myself.

Nathan said...

And why is blogger eliminating any spacing i put in my comments?

kimby said...

I agree with Janiece...I think that Jacques' attorney is now my new celebrity boyfriend!

Random Michelle K said...

Nathan, it's currently only when you use the italics tags.

Adding a line break seems to solve the problem to a degree.

John the Scientist said...

In the defense of Hersheys's lawyers, if you don't actively defend your Intellectual Property, the law gives everyone squatters rights on it. Some doofus Chinese company could start importing pyramidal "Kisses", and then claim "Well, that Jaques guy was using the name and you never went after him, so your trademark is now fair game". And sometimes, that argument actually wins in court.

Hershey's may decide for financial or PR reasons not to pursue this, but the cease and desist letter protects them from real threats in the future.

As in most of life, blame the lawyers (sorry, Eric :p).

Nathan said...


How dare you insert logic into any thread begun by talking about an attorney who majored in STFU!

John the Scientist said...

Sorry dude, I know much more about IP than is good for me. :p

neurondoc said...

Hmm. Jacques' STFU dude is my lawyer-crush (sorry, Eric!)

And -- mmmm, chocolate.