Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Brief Interlude.

Something I read today got me thinking (Holy shit! Nathan's thinking?) and I'll be posting my thoughts later.

In the meantime, to keep you all busy...

If the U.S. is invaded tomorrow by belligerent aliens, what movie star is best equipped to defeat them? And why do the aliens always invade the U.S.? Couldn't they start off with a smaller chunk of Scotland?


Steve Buchheit said...

Nathan's thinking. I wondered what that smell was.

And they invade the US because we have fast food, unlike haggis.

Chris said...

*Christian Bale*

And I'm with Steve. Haggis...ew

neurondoc said...

Drew Barrymore.


MWT said...

Clearly you need to watch more Dr. Who, where all alien invasions start in England. ;)

Nathan said...

Oh fine, Steve. But who will save our McNuggets?

Random Michelle K said...

Summer Glau will save us.

Because we're such a large landmass? Because no one translates many of the Russian stories into English?

WendyB_09 said...

The early scouts of the alien invasion discovered what was really worn under a properly outfitted kilt. No Scotland for them!
