Saturday, August 22, 2009

Because Jim Asked For It.

He may claim he wasn't really asking for it, but he was. Oh, yes he was.


Janiece said...

I'm emigrating to Canada. Yes, I am.

vince said...

Ooo - I want a bumper sticker like that. Gotta see how I can make my own.

Nathan, you're an evil genius. That's one of the things I like about you. :-)

Tom said...

Excellent work!

Jim Wright said...

Bawahahaha! The wink, that's what does it.

Janiece said...

I want the bumper sticker, too, but I want Bachmann's name spelled correctly on mine.


Nathan said...

And I bet you think that really rare postage stamp would have been better if they'd printed the biplane right-side-up.