Thursday, April 30, 2009

Watching The BlogOmeter!

At exactly 4:17:50 P.M. (EST), Polybloggimous scored its 33,333rd visit. Not that it's such a miraculous landmark, but you all know you watched the odometer on your first car and got all excited when it rolled over to nifty numbers. (I guess I missed the 12,345th visitor. Ah well).

Anyway, I even know who this mystery visitor was. Take a bow John the Scientist.

I realize that at this point, John, you're probably wondering what fabulous prize is attached to this auspicious achievement. prize. But years from now, when this blog is all famous and stuff and I have my big giant retrospective, you'll be able to say, "Hey, remember way back when? You know, when I was your 33,333rd visitor?" And then you'll be able to lord it over all the noobs about how cool you are.

Well done John.

P.S. I didn't announce that I was looking forward to this landmark because A.) frankly, I didn't notice it was coming up until an hour or so ago, and B.) did any of us really need Jim popping in and out all day asking "Did I win yet?" I think not.


Random Michelle K said...

Did I win yet?

Random Michelle K said...

Did I win yet?

Random Michelle K said...

Did I win yet?

Nathan said...


I think the next landmark is something like 50,000. There's a ways to go yet.

neurondoc said...

Did I win yet?

neurondoc said...

Did I win yet?

neurondoc said...

Did I win yet?

Just trying to help you along to #50,000...

Steve Buchheit said...

Did I win yet?

Okay, so does that make John the Scientist one third of the Beast to the power of 100?

kimby said...

Did Jim win yet?

kimby said...

Did Jim win YET?

Nathan said...


John the Scientist said...

Heh, and you know what - I was so busy yesterday that was the last time I visited your site until right now, and I usually pop in several times a day, if only to look at your sidebars.

And given the kind of shit we engage in when we get together, I'm not sure I'd want a prize from you. You'd probably take it over to Spicy and Tasty and let it soak up the aroma...

kimby said...

But you didn't answer the question?!
(and it helps to get you close to that 50K!)

Jim Wright said...

Hey now, you know you enjoy it when I do that.

Jim Wright said...

and this

Jim Wright said...

and this too

Jim Wright said...

Did I win yet?

Nathan said...

Fine Jim. You win.

The prize is a dinner date with Walter L. Wagner...on your dime. So that it's convenient for everyone, you should plan on meeting on May 11th at 4:30 p.m. at the Chuck E. Cheese in North Platte, Nebraska.

Hope your happy now.

Jim Wright said...

I'm gonna have to take a pass on that, Nathan.

However, I will be sending my understudy, Random Michelle...

John the Scientist said...

Michelle has enough stuff on her plate. Or so will. :D

Random Michelle K said...

Sorry, I'm busy that weekend.