Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I Give and I Give and I Give. But Does Anybody Listen?

My upstairs neighbors are out of town for a little vacation and their parents decided to use their apartment to have their own little vacation here in NY. They're from Maine.

Their car got towed this morning.


See why reading this here blog is so indispensable? Sheesh! I tell you this stuff for your own good.


Steve Buchheit said...

They don't have the internet in Maine, silly.

Filming In Brooklyn said...

Wow. Welcome to New York. Oh, and BTW, fuck you.

Was it towed for real, or somewhere near for a shoot?

I've gotten soooo many parking tix but never towed. What was the problem?

Eric said...

Well, they sort of try to have the internet in Maine, but it keeps getting knocked out by the giant bugs, supernatural weather, wandering corpses, psychic kids, ghosts, demonic elder forces as old as time, vampire infestations, occasional werewolves, and weird perturbations of the space-time continuum/incursions from parallel universes (at least one of which is much smaller, spatially, than our own--which must be hell on the buried fiber optic cables what with reality itself shrinking and expanding all the time).

Why yes, everything I know about Maine I did learn from Stephen King stories, why do you ask? Just like everything I know about the rest of New England I learned from H.P. Lovecraft.

(P.S. Stay the hell away from New England. Seriously. The whole place is really fucked up.)

neurondoc said...

Now what were you saying? I wasn't listen... Hey, that's my car! Don't tow it...

Nathan said...


They got really towed. They were on the school side (where it's absolutely impossible to tell whether or not it's a school day this time of year). And don't forget the rule...they have to give you a ticket before they can tow you.


MWT said...

This reminds me of how my family's touristing itinerary in Honolulu last year revolved around when/where we could park and when we had to move the car.

Carol Elaine said...

Ya know, Eric, if I lived in Maine I would insist that Stephen King be kicked out of the state. If it weren't for him, Pennywise would never have been loose on Derry. Forget about poor Castle Rock, with its demonic dogs, scary antique shops and stalking trucks. They oughta ship him out to Montana or Wyoming.

Eric said...

It would have to be Montana, Carol Elaine: Wyoming isn't big enough for Pennywise and Dick Cheney.