Thursday, March 13, 2008

Things You Won't Be Getting From Me Today.

I'm sure you've all experienced, the "Ooooh, here's a good thing to blog about," moment, followed by the "Ooooooh, never mind," moment. I had a few of those yesterday. So, please take a moment to digest the things I'm not going to tell you about today.

1. Recipes.

I planned to post my first recipe yesterday. Its a really good one that combines the concept of Antipasto and sandwiches. Since I'm not capable of following a recipe without messing with it, I screwed it up. Its a mix of hams and salamis and tangy veggies baked between puff pastry that's delicious. I substituted too many tangy veggies and got something with way too much drippyness. It was tasty as hell, but not very photogenic. So, no recipe for you.

2. Chapter 36.

I haven't written it yet. By that, I don't mean I'm not satisfied, or I'm still editing or I'm stuck or anything like that. I mean I haven't written it yet. I haven't even put down words that I hate. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. I haven't even tried yet and I'm pissed at myself for that. I promise to remedy the situation.

3. American Idol Review.

I watched Idol on Tuesday night and started keeping track of the performances as they were happening. My comments were...not interesting. Let me clarify. I liked the show. I had opinions about the relative quality of the performances. I bored myself to tears with my written opinions. No review for you.

4. Commentary on MWT's Algebra Post.

I didn't comment there and I won't comment here. I have no idea what any of those different formulae are. Have I mentioned I'm not that great at math? Not even enough to go into what John would classify as "not real science"? I do get points for knowing the proper plural for formula, though.

5. A Rant.

I'm sure if I looked for it I'd find something going on in the world that freaks me out to no end. Whatever it is, I'm blissfully unaware of it at the moment. I'm not going out of my way to do anything to change this situation.

6. Inside Info.

Yesterday, I got an email out of the blue from a friend working on a movie. All it said was "OMG, ******* has a really huuuuge head". This made me laugh a lot. I'm not telling you who. Hah!


Jeff Hentosz said...

Shoulda closed comments, too, ya bonehead, so that no one could state the obvious...

No comment for you!

Nathan said...

But Jeff, I'm a shameless comment Hussy. :-(

Janiece said...

I think you already sent me that recipe on another UCF blog. I haven't tried it yet, cut it sounds good, and I do intend to try it.

Nathan said...

Its possible that I linked the original version, but I had issues with the published one. The pepperoni had a bad grease-to-taste ratio, so I wanted to substitute something else. I also wanted more tangy veggie stuff, but you know where that went. I intend to perfect this thing through experimentation and then post the results.

Think sweet pepper, hearts of palm and capicola. Also black forest ham. Yum.

Random Michelle K said...

So is their actual head abnormally large, or are they just overly fond of themselves?

I mean, it this something we could tell by looking closer at pictures? Like that 90210 actress with the uneven eyes?

Nathan said...


I'm pretty sure it was a girth related comment. height, width, depth, the whole nine-yards. (Pun unintended but acceptable anyway)

Random Michelle K said...


Now we have to start searching IMDB for abnormally large heads!

MWT said...


My post was aimed at people who should already know how to rearrange algebra equations. Not people who never use algebra in their daily lives. There are certain implications that come with the use of the keyword "rearrange" in a web search.

Nathan said...


I'm faced with a paradox. I can't respond to your comment without disproving my entire premise for today's post. :D

MWT said...

Ooo... paradox! If I keep making more comments about it, will your head explode? :D

(I clarified the last sentence of my post.)

Nathan said...

La, La, La, La, I can't hear you, La, La, La.

Eric said...

Your friend is working with the guy who played the space baby in 2001, right? I always wondered what happened to him. It's gotta be tough finding roles when you're a glowing, floating embryo. I heard he had a show on ABC in the early '80s where he played a lawyer who has to adopt his niece after his brother is killed in a car accident, but it only lasted five episodes, even after they tried bringing in Erin Gray as a romantic interest. She went on to Silver Spoons and he was stuck doing little character roles and float-ins on Cheers for a while. Then he just pretty much vanished, didn't even get cast in 2010 though you would have thought the role was written for him. Anyway, good on him that he's working again.

MWT said...

By the way, I added a new egg last night. Only it's down at the very bottom of my sidebar because I'm hiding it from Brianna (one of my mostly-lurkers) who will draw and quarter me if she finds out I stole another one. Please click on the new little guy too. :)

Nathan said...

I've clicked all of your eggs and no, I don't especially like the sound of that.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is the most substantive non-post I've seen recently!

So, here's a non-comment.

How about that weather?

Nathan said...


You're totally failing in your assumed straight-man duties. What the hell kind of setup was that?

Tom said...

Nathan, will we not hear about the Back Fence, too?

Tania said...


Go Yankees?

Nathan said...

Yankees Suck!

Go Red Sox!

Nathan said...


I'm just not sure how to answer that.

Janiece said...

Nathan, I wonder if turkey pepperoni would reduce the grease-to-taste ratio?

Nathan said...

Sorry, but I'm fundamentally opposed to turkey-anything except turkey-turkey.

I'm happy with the meat mixture at the moment: Genoa Salami, Black Forest Ham, Prosciutto, Capicola. I just went overboard with the veggies and had too high of a water content. I'll leave the tomatoes out next time since they really didn't seem to add that much. And I'll have to cut back on some of the other stuff.

Random Michelle K said...

Hey! Turkey things are *good* for those of us who (currently) non cow and pig eaters. Turkey burgers are yummy as is turkey sausage. (We had organic turkey sausage on our pizza last Saturday)

Nathan said...


I've got no problem with you eating faux things fashioned from fragmented fowl. I just don't want them myself.

Random Michelle K said...

You don't know what you're missing!

Nathan said...

Please see Item 5 in the original post. It applies as well.

MWT said...

*holds up a mirror to Michelle's last statement* :p

Beeeeeeeeef. It's what's for dinner!

MWT said...

Also: SOME people need to learn to sit still for a few minutes. :p

(Unless I'm extremely busy, I'm looking at the back fence at not more than ten minute intervals.)

Nathan said...

I've said before; I'm all about the instant gratification.

Heck, I gave it at least 60 seconds.

Jeff Hentosz said...

Right up your alley*: I'm sure this must be in your bag of tools, and I know you visit Making Light (this was in PNH's Sidelights today), but just in case you do/have miss(ed) it:

A blog about NYC's disappearing classic architecture

* HAH! Get it?

Nathan said...

Actually, I hadn't seen that.

Duly bookmarked.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Nathan. I'm really tired from too much travel and too little sack time... my sense of humor is mostly absent the last couple of days. :P

Maybe tomorrow...

Unknown said...

Hey Nathan! Maybe this and this will freak you out. hahahaha!