First, the crappy part. You go into an exam room that's about 10º cooler than the waiting room. The tech tells you to take off your shirt and freeze a little. Then he starts rubbing that wand all over your chest, but not before squirting a huge glob of gel on the end. Why does medical science have the ability to look at live pictures of the inside of your body, but doesn't have the wherewithal to make that gel crap warm?
The cool part, however, is watching all the little valves in my own heart going blub blub blub blub blub. As far as I know, they were all doing what they're supposed to do. At least I didn't see anything like this in there, although I admit that woulda been kinda cool too.

What else is going on? There was a story on the news here a couple of days ago. A woman had left her 14 month-old child with his usual babysitter and when she came home, no sign of child or sitter. The sitter, allegedly decided to take the child, but the cops caught her only a few hours later. Not to take anything away from the obviously fucked up parts of this story, or to negate the happy ending, but...the kid's name is Hashish. How fucking oblivious do you have to be to name your kid Hashish? "Mom, Dad, I've met the woman I'm going to marry. I'd like you to meet Crack-Whore Weingarten." Or how about, "Children, Ms. Samson is out sick today, so I'd like you all to welcome your substitute teacher...Anthropophagus Terwilliger."
Tomorrow, the Director, Producer, Writer, D.P. and Designer for the show I'm on are flying in for our first scout. Most of what we'll eventually shoot is night exteriors, so, of course, they want to see most of the places at night. And we'll be scouting all weekend. Great fun will be had by all. {/sarcasm} At least I have the night shoots to look forward to...which I hate even more than night scouts. Hey, what can I say? I prefer to be inside and warm at night. Eventually, I'll tell you about this show. It's a TV pilot for one of the networks and they'll only come to N.Y. for a couple of days of exteriors. The rest of the show will shoot in Canada. Deal with it Nathan. Deal with it all.
Incidentally, you may recall that once upon a time, if they shot a pilot, but didn't decide to go ahead and make the show, they'd still air the pilot as some sort of lame special during rerun season. They don't do that anymore. The last two pilots I worked on didn't get bought and never saw the light of day. That's a little depressing. I'll admit it may have been more depressing if I'd seen the pilots that were so terrific they didn't get picked up, but I really would have like to have seen them.
So, I promised you new content today. For what it's worth, this is it. And I didn't make any of it up. Let me know if that would have been better.
I think I'll go back to jumping on your sofa.
Good thing you have high ceilings.
I was kind of hoping for a play by play of the fight between Godzilla and Poseidon that I just thought of.
I'm super glad you're not pregnant. We really frown on UCF membership - not to mention leadership - having their personal lives splashed all over the tabloids.
Oh, and congrats on not being knocked up.
Excellent! Someday I'll tell you how they do the ultrasound exam when they suspect you have endometriosis.
Michelle, did we check for spare change in the sofa? If not, lets get on it.
Tania, they do the same ultrasound early in pregnancy.
I had a friend who was rather disturbed by that at the start of her pregnancy.
Cool. I didn't know that. I spent the exam chatting with the two techs about their jobs and why they came to Alaska.
Well, the view at the other end of that ultrasound wand is not exactly peachy, either.
John, don't even go there. Just sayin'...
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