Thursday, March 27, 2008

Elian Quit Before They Peached Him.


Jeff Hentosz said...

She is so obviously a Democratic apologist. I wish I was on the show with her; I'd tell her to just shut her pie hole, and ask Bill to cut her mic.

Eric said...

I'm pretty sure I didn't know the first thing about $4,000 hookers until I was in junior high school.

The times, they indeed are a-changin'.

And not for the better.

(Wanders off, singing "The Queen Is Dead" by The Smiths* under his breath...)


*"Oh, has the world changed, or have I changed?
Oh has the world changed, or have I changed?
As some 9-year old tough who peddles drugs--
I swear to God
I swear, I never even knew what drugs were..."