Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Contest On Top of A Contest? Nathan Is Truly Amazing!

Update: Just one refinement of the rules. If you make your prediction within 2.5 hours of when it actually happens, your entry will be eliminated. It wouldn't be fair to have someone watching the counter and making their prediction when it reads 9995, now would it.

Jim whined this morning about being off line for a couple of days and since he missed whoever had won the contest, wanted to know if he might be up for a second prize. Well, as you all know, he didn't miss anything, because the 10,000th visit hasn't happened yet.

Here's my stats as of 10:00pm, July 9th. (A few minutes ago.)

So, I'm now opening this up to side bets as it were. The original contest has two movie tickets going to my 10,000th visitor. Another two tickets will now be awarded to the person who predicts the date and time of the 10,000th visitor.

Put your prediction in the comments section (Date, hour, minutes in EST). The closest prediction wins. Also as easy as falling off of a log.

One entry per person, please!


mattw said...

Sunday the 13 at 1:45 p.m. EST

Nathan said...


I'm pretty sure we'll hit the mark sometime tomorrow or the next day...but thanks for playing.


MWT said...

8:37am on Friday 11th EST

mattw said...

Yeah, after I posted I totally realized I was way off. Eh, it was deadline day and then chores when I got home, so my brain is fried.

Darren said...

I found you a few weeks ago, but I've been negligent about reading any blogs lately.

Good contest. It got me to click. I'll predict July 10 at 4 pm. Can I win if I go past the correct time, that is, do Price Is Right rules apply?

Nathan said...

Welcome to the party Darren.

I might have been tempted to use Price is Right rules, but we'll stick with what I announced. The winner will be whoever is closest...over or under.

Jim Wright said...

Beat it, Darren. Step away from the comment counter. Don't be delurking trying to steal my prize. ;)

Did I win yet? Or do I actually have to wait until 08:59AM, Friday, July 11 when this dammed blog finally hits 10,000?

Shawn Powers said...

I won't play contest #2. I was there so it would be cheating...

Random Michelle K said...


11:59 PM.

Because Jim won't be able to restrain himself and will keep clicking.

And if I win, you can give my prize to Jim. Just so he feels better. ;)

vince said...

Jim, Jim, Jim. Why is it all about Jim? It should be all about me. Me, me, me.

And I, using the amazing power of math and physic precognition, have determined that the 10,000th visit will happen on Thursday at 4:57 pm, Nathan's time.

Ilya said...

Well, I can tell you it will not be me. Because I just clicked like twenty times in a row, and the dumb counter on the bottom of the screen did not move at all... Because it's counting visits, duh!!! And it's getting close enough to pub time where I live to be able to execute a visit at the proper time...

Chris said...

I bet on Jim ftw tomorrow morning at 9:30 a.m. Just because he wants it so bad!

Nathan said...


Do you think he wants it bad enough to be checking my blog at 4:30am his time? I'm not too sure about that. And if he does, he totally deserves it.

But then again, he is all computery literate and stuff and he can probably make his computer stop in all by itself while he's sleeping.

Jim Wright said...

Automate the visits?

Hey! Why didn't I think of that?

:::::feverishly programming a dedicated purpose AI, where did I leave my LISP reference book? Dammit, dammit, dammit::::::

Tom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tom said...

7/11 at 11:07. That's Friday, July 11th, 2008, and 11:07am.

Sounds lucky to me!

Sorry, I made a typo, and had to correct it.

Tania said...

Thursday July 10th, 5:48 PM Nathan's Timezone.

kimby said...

Friday, July 11th at 7:00am Nathan when Jim will claim the prize!

Tania said...

11 comments to go....heh heh heh

Random Michelle K said...

Hey, am I the closest time?

Where the hell is Jim?

mattw said...

Only three visits left. The suspense is mind-boggling.