Monday, July 7, 2008

The Excitement Mounts

Jim only has to visit 299 more times to be declared the contest winner. Get clickin' there Chief!


Tania said...

280 as of now!

Anonymous said...

Go Jim go!

Tania said...

271 to go!

Egdas, I don't know that I can sustain this sort of excitement...

Eric said...

You can do it, Jim! I believe in you!

Tania said...

221! You're gaining Jim!! You're gaining!

Nathan said...

I think he's just watching the counter and then hopping in at the last minute.

Jim Wright said...

Jim, spent the last two days offline. Because, well, he just did. Obviously a bad move.

Is there some sort of 2nd place prize? Like a lifetime supply of rice-O-roni? or something?

Nathan said...


Relax. Nobody's won yet. And there won't be any second prize.

Tania said...

11. Eleven to go. UCF, you can make it happen!!