Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Reward & Punishment.

I had a great day. Not a good day. Not a really good day. A great day.

Today was the first chance the Production Designer and I had to show our Director some choices for locations in person. Let's just say we nailed it. He liked everything! He liked so many things, there are things he liked that he won't be able to use. If you like four of four apartments and only need two for the movie, you've got to let two of them go.

In addition to finding two of the key apartments for the movie, we also chose a little town to double for the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington D.C. We found four stores that we need on those quaint streets. I've got to go back, get permits and make deals with all of these places, but let's not quibble over details. We also picked a place for a Diplomatic Reception that's a big scene in the movie.

I'm undeniably happy with myself right now. So what, you may ask, am I going to do to reward myself for such an extraordinary performance?

I'm letting John the Scientist drag me to East Bumfuck Queens, NY tomorrow to sample the Stinky Tofu.

I'm not especially pleased that I'm getting so much more use out that flag than I am from my Gas Grill of Retribution™. It's just not fair. On the other hand, John has consented (I think) to finally be photographically debuted, since I said this had to be documented in all of its stinky glory. And not only will you get pictures of John and I sampling that which should not be sampled, we've got something else up our sleeves to share with you soon. I mean, we shouldn't be keeping all the fun for ourselves, should we?


vince said...

Hurray for the great day. Days like today are to be celebrated, but given how you're going to celebrate, I'm not sure you and I have a commen understanding of that word's definition.

However, I can't wait for this little, especially the documentation of it. And you're a better man than I, because there is absolutely *no fucking way* I would do it. I'm all for experimenting, but this isn't experimentation. I fully grasped John's description of how awful it is - I have no need to personally confirm his opinion.

Good luck, and may there be good food and alcohol (or perhaps the alcohol first) once you have accomplished your mission.

vince said...

And that was supposed to be "I can't wait for this little adventure..."

John the Scientist said...

I agreed to the documentation, but the picture of my face has to be posted in Google Groups.

Nathan said...

Then someone will have to teach me how to do that.

John the Scientist said...

I will. You can, however, show half of my face when tasting. We'll look at the photos and see if the lower or upper half conveys more....emotion.

Nathan said...

I have a feeling that may require multiple 'takes'. :D

John the Scientist said...

Heh, I now have to think of something for Vince.

Janiece said...

Good luck to the intrepid explorers.


MWT said...

Hey, if it results in entertainment for the rest of us, it's still a win-win situation. :D

Nathan said...

I haven't told John, but I'm going to want a ruling on whether or not I can drop mine into a shot of vodka and just down it all at once that way.

(And if it makes the vodka bubble, I' totally backing out.)

John the Scientist said...

Ruling = out of bounds.

Stright dude, we're doing the tofu straight.

John the Scientist said...

Talk to you around lunchtime.

Ave Caesar, morituri te salutant.

Nathan said...

First of all, you and your rules are starting to piss me off.

And telling me this shit in Latin isn't going to make it any easier.

Je sais juste I' ; m allant regretter ceci.

Nathan said...


I knew what it meant. I was just saying that whatever languages we're babbling in, I'm still dreading the stinky tofu.

Random Michelle K said...

As well you should be Nathan.

Please remember that *I* said HELL NO to this. You however have voluntarily brought this upon yourself.

And no offense, but I worry about you sometimes. i.e. Rot 13. ;)

kimby said...

Best of luck to you Nathan, and you too John...
We will be with you in spirit!

Jim Wright said...

Goddamn, that flag cracks me up every time.

I was laughing so hard that I had to get up and go outside before typing this reply.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, guys, but I am not with you in spirit.

But I will be with those who are outside the window, heckling and throwing random vegetable objects, in spirit. Does that count?

And yeah for good days! I'm glad you had one. :D