I need to be in the car in about 10 minutes, so I don't have time to write what I just thought of writing about, so you'll just have to wait. Feel free to guess what I thought of while rinsing the shampoo out of my hair.
No prizes. No wagering.
And how could you guys let me leave this up with a missing "A" all day without telling me?
Anybody around?
Anonymous Nathan's GF?
What the hell? Where are the lights :::fumble, click::: Oh, cats. :::scritch scritch, pet pet, sneeze, sneeze:::
Well, hell, let's see what's in the fridge, shall we. Hmmmm, Kreplatch Soup!
"Feel free to guess what I thought of while rinsing the shampoo out of my hair."
-- "I'm a big boy now, maybe I should graduate up from 'No More Tears' ".
"Feel free to guess what I thought of while rinsing the shampoo out of my hair."
"Damn! I look good in a kevlar vest!"
Well if that counts as a post, then I feel better about starting this job.
Man Kreplatch Soup...brings back childhood memories! I don't know how to spell the other stuff my folks made.
Feel free to guess what I thought of while rinsing the shampoo out of my hair.
"Should I wear the teak hat today or is too hot?"
All the different sizes that Jameson's comes in?
"Feel free to guess what I though of while rinsing the shampoo out of my hair."
"I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair, I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair..."
"I was so wrong to condemn Kimby's opinion of Death To Smoochy. It really WAS a funny movie."
THAT is what you were thinking...right? Right? Come on..you can admit it...we are all friends here....
Jeez guys,
Some days they expect me to show up to work for a few hours.
Kimby, nice try but that though didn't occur to me. :D
And there's no "T" in kreplach. Just saying.
Chris, I had to read you comment 4 times before I realized you weren't talking about a "caviar" vest.
Posting that you intend to post a post totally counts as a post.
"caviar" vest
HA! You made me choke on my diet Pepsi when I read that! The other people in the office couldn't understand why I was coughing so hard.
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