Today, I'll be dropping in periodically to add random stuff.
How 'bout if we start the morning with the Shakespeare Insult Generator?
1st Update: In case anyone's interested, we'll be visiting the Teak Hat Store later today.
2nd Update: May I present you with "Steve, Don't Eat It!" It's about what you'd expect and maybe you should wait until after you've had breakfast to visit. John, I'm terribly sorry to hear about your breakfast topping this morning---see comments for context.
3rd Update: I'm just back from running some errands before going to the above-referenced Teak Hat Store and guess what. There's also a street fair a couple of blocks away. Decisions, decisions...which street food shall I eat?
Someone already puked in MY breakfast this morning, so I doubt Steve could nauseate me any further.
Eat a funnel cake for me if they have 'em! I love funnel cake!
Street Fair? Then you have to have something on a stick. Not sure what, but it just has to be on a stick.
If that doesn't work..then funnel cake sounds good to me too. (wishing it was this hot cause now i am craving funnel cake and won't bake in these temps)
That would be...wishing it was NOT this hot.....damn fast fingers....
Steve has eaten some rather disgusting things, so be careful what you're thinking.
Although I have to say that someone vomiting on my breakfast would make me lose my own er... dinner from the night before?
Rump fed? Hmmm. I'm going to think on that one. And not think on people barfing in my (or others) food.
Hey, I've been reading The Sneeze (Steve Don't Eat It!) for a number of years, I think I found it a while back when I did a google search on the Cusak movie "Better Off Dead" and found his interview with Dan Schneider who played Ricky in the movie.
How the hell did you come across it?
I was playing with Stumbled On.
I've got a link to the sneeze in my sidebar. :)
He hasn't been posting much lately though.
I'd never seen it before yesterday.
Thank you so much for Steve Don't Eat It. So gross and so funny.
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