But we knew that already, didn't we? Anyway, Michelle was influenced by Chris. Chris, (I think), was influenced by whoeverthehellthisis. I couldn't resist. (And yes. It's another screenshot and all the blame goes to Shawn.)
I've been wondering - we have a nice community of the frozen chosen up here. Not a huge community, but fairly active. Any thoughts, since we're not on the map.
Hm. Not on the map might describe it perfectly, come to think of it.
I'm pretty sure I've told this before, but what the hell...
At the Passover Seder, it's a tradition for one of the children to steal the Afikomen (one of three pieces of matza that you have to eat at the end of the meal to officially complete all of the ceremonies). Anyway, the kid who steals it ransoms it back. My Grandfather used to tell us that he'd get us a special "Yakamahoose" from "Uncle Gudolf". Gudolf was our legendary uncle who was an Eskimo and worked as a rag picker somewhere in Alaska. A Yakamahoose (which I always imagined to be like a pirate's treasure chest), turned out to be whatever piece of junk he currently had too many of at his Army-Navy store. I'm pretty sure I got a switchblade one year! And none of us ever met "Uncle Gudolf".
That's all my thoughts on Alaskan Jews other than to wish them a warm jacket.
In a handbasket, mate. In. A. Handbasket. ;-)
Hey, I'm Jewish. I'm allowed.
(I was especially proud of"Two Jews" in Northern New England.)
LO f'n L
Good stuff.
So I've moved from Jewtopia to Jews Too. That must be why I can't get a good bagel or pizza. :-)
Hey, you're not far from gun racks. Count your blessings.
I've been wondering - we have a nice community of the frozen chosen up here. Not a huge community, but fairly active. Any thoughts, since we're not on the map.
Hm. Not on the map might describe it perfectly, come to think of it.
I'm pretty sure I've told this before, but what the hell...
At the Passover Seder, it's a tradition for one of the children to steal the Afikomen (one of three pieces of matza that you have to eat at the end of the meal to officially complete all of the ceremonies). Anyway, the kid who steals it ransoms it back. My Grandfather used to tell us that he'd get us a special "Yakamahoose" from "Uncle Gudolf". Gudolf was our legendary uncle who was an Eskimo and worked as a rag picker somewhere in Alaska. A Yakamahoose (which I always imagined to be like a pirate's treasure chest), turned out to be whatever piece of junk he currently had too many of at his Army-Navy store. I'm pretty sure I got a switchblade one year! And none of us ever met "Uncle Gudolf".
That's all my thoughts on Alaskan Jews other than to wish them a warm jacket.
And I created this map on the mac program .pages.
It's pretty much a freehand tracing of a map. There's no way I was tracing Alaska and Hawaii.
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