Nathan said...
Di finally admits that her not-hubby just got a job on a WWII movie and they'll spend the next three months in France.
Di, will you be blogging with an obnoxious accent 'til October?
Sub-Tropicaligal said...
We'll send you some freedom fries...and BTW help me keep blogging while I'm on a DO you do it? I'm scared.
Nathan said...
You don't post enough to begin with anyway. You are neglecting your blog and we want more.
Sub-Tropicaligal said...
Perfect, you've given me fodder for my first entry from the front line...Normandy that is you suckers!
Earlier today, I posted about my intention to post a post and the following ensued:
Sub-Tropicaligal said...
Well if that counts as a post, then I feel better about starting this job.
Nathan said...
Posting that you intend to post a post totally counts as a post.
Which all leads me to have the following observations and suggestions for SubTropicalGal, (hereinafter STG).
First, you got a job that's gonna take you to France for three freakin' months to work on a period picture, and you need me to suggest that you might want to blog about it? Holy Crap! I can understand not wanting to jinx the thing by talking about it too early, but even a cryptic sentence saying, "Some potentially awesome news might be in the wind" is a post worthy of posting.
Once you've found out you're really going you should brag to no posts long and short. Tell us as much about the picture as you're comfortable talking about. Tell us what you're frantically having to go through to get ready to leave on such short notice. But keep rubbing our noses in it.
In the alternative, you could have written a post, pasted it into BabelFish to get a French translation (which is likely to be completely mangled), and then posted that! How's that for cryptic...completely incoherent to French and English speakers alike.
If you don't want to post about that, the following all count as viable posts:
White Castle: Is it food or not food?
(That was an actual thread elswhere that generated hundreds of comments.)
Does anyone know where my green sneakers are?
Everything is blog fodder.
The point is this STG. If I'm going to truly earn not-hubby's enmity for helping turn you into a blog-hopping, comment-whoring, "you go get the groceries, I'm blogging" type of being, you're going to need to amp up the dedication (or obsessiveness if you prefer).
I'm sure there'll be any number of War Stories that happen while you're shooting your War Story...some you can even tell us about.
C'mon STG! We know you can do it. Preferably with pictures.
.....leaving for France in the a.m.
Peace Out you furniture wearing nutball!
July 16, 2008 10:45 PM