Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Oops. I Did it Again.

I couldn't help myself. Really, I couldn't.

I just ordered a pizza from Dominos. The tracker says Christian put my pizza in the oven at 5:45 p.m. (Which seems like it was just nanoseconds after it confirmed my order.) Hmm. I'll update as this progresses...good or bad.

Everybody send happy thoughts to the Pizza Karma Gods.

5:53 p.m. The pizza's in a box and placed in their special "HeatWave" delivery bag.

Note: That seems like awful damned fast Pizza cookin' to me. They must have them some magic ovens.

Also, this is the point where things usually break down. We'll just have to see if it ever leaves the store.

6:04 p.m. Holy Shit! It's here already.

That didn't really make for a compelling post, did it?

They forgot to slice it. :D


Steve Buchheit said...

Hey, Obama was elected. Obviously miracles are in the air. Or maybe Dominoes figures they better stop slacking off before he proposes regulating the pizza industry.

Anonymous said...

Do you see Domino's from your front window?

I'm just saying!

Nathan said...

The store is about 15 blocks away.

Random Michelle K said...

I just don't understand what compelled you to try this again.

It seems to me it would be less painful for you to come down here and have me MAKE you a pizza.

vince said...

You're a brave man, Nathan. And I'm glad it worked out for you. But really, isn't ordering from Dominoes something best left to the experts?

kimby said...

Keith, clearly you have not read the archives......

Eric said...

So... basically, you live in a city famous for it's pizzas, even having its own style of pizza and getting into fights with Chicago over what kind of pizza is best, and you decided to order from the same crappy chain I could order from. Only, I gotta say it, I wouldn't because the crappy chain in question is owned by a creepy hyper-religious cryptofascist who tried to found his own ultracatholic megachristian town in Florida.


Hey, not trying to be overly critical or harsh your pizza. I'm just saying, you know?

Eric said...

Okay--correction: apparently, according to Wikipedia, the creepy hyper-religious cryptofascist no longer is involved with the company.

Their pizza still, um, sucks.

What city do you live in again, dude? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Nathan said...

Eric, we've had this discussion before, but even if you can have caviar every night, sometimes you just want a grilled cheese sandwich.

John the Scientist said...

But a grilled cheese sandwich is actually good. Dominoes? Dominoes is the counterexample to the rule that says pizza is like sex - when it's good it's great, when it's not so hot, it's still pretty good.

Dominoes is like sex with a 90 year old hooker.

And they should sautee their fucking mushrooms, you do not put withered, dry, raw mushrooms on a pizza, dammit!

I'm starting to doubt your sanity, but I see why you went on the tofu adventure with me. Your tastebuds are broken.

Some dude stuck in the Midwest said...

A pizza can't be classified as good until 12-18 hours after consumption.

Sleep on it, than let us know.

Chris said...

Nathan, when I first read this post I was anticipating numerous follow-up posts filled with expletives, ranting, teeth-gnaishing and hair pulling. I'm glad you got your pizza so fast, but I'm a little disappointed.

Chris said...

And in case you're wondering, I meant to say "tooth-gnashing", not gnaishing. Sometimes the keyboard gets away from me...

Nathan said...

Hence, the "That didn't really make for a compelling post, did it?"

Eric said...

Congratulations, Nathan: you're a part of a bold scientific experiment!

Nathan said...

That's just plain evil!