Monday, November 24, 2008

We Interrupt "Make Nathan Dance Like A Monkey" Day to Bring You the Awesomest Video You'll See Today!

You must watch this. Really. You must.

Louis CK on Conan.

With thanks to Jeff Hentosz, who mentioned it on Whatever, providing a link to Discover / Bad Astronomy which tipped the hat to Fark. Now somebody go warn Fark that I linked them so their server doesn't go down when all my traffic heads their way.


Some dude stuck in the Midwest said...

I guess I am old enough to agree with him, and laugh my ass off at the same time.

Random Michelle K said...

He's right. And living with someone 90 years old reminds me quite awesome of how awesome the world is.

And John? No.

Anonymous said...

"Now somebody go warn Fark that I linked them so their server doesn't go down when all my traffic heads their way."

Nathan, as they say on Fark, you owe me a new keyboard.