Thursday, May 8, 2008

What's Nathan Up To?

Hey, I've gotta find a Cathedral where we can re-enact a story where some guy went batshit crazy and stormed into a church in his underwear screaming and threatening people with a sword.

That shouldn't be hard, should it?

Go look here to see the stuff the producers have seen and loved so far. And I already told all you guys to download the PicLens addon for Firefox. It makes looking at the pics a lot more enjoyable. If you don't get it, you've only got yourselves to blame.

What's your challenge for today?

Update: 2:30 pm: Surprise, surprise. Most of the churches I've contacted aren't thrilled with the idea of hosting a scene about a sword-wielding madman running around their church in his underwear. What's up with that?


Janiece said...

My challenge for the day includes:

- Work from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., including completion of all pending tasks so I can go on vacation without dumping my work on my back-up, and manning the duty phone from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Complete the laundry so I can go on vacation with clean drawers.
- Touch up my hair in "medium auburn" so I can go on vacation without grey roots.
- Go grocery shopping so the Smart Men can eat at home while I'm on vacation.
- Exercise (the daily grind).
- Pack my bag for my vacation, so I don't show up in San Diego without clean drawers.

I'm a busy, busy gal today.

mattw said...

-Filling in the hours until 3, 'cause it's deadline time and we're pretty much all done. There's stuff to do for next month, but if I work too far ahead for next month, then what will I do then?
-Put the finishing touches on my story for the Writers' Digest Short Story Competition.
-Figure out a title for said story.
-Introduce a new feature on my blog to start tomorrow.
-Not really too busy today, actually.

John the Scientist said...

Whacking some colleagues with a clue bat.

Planning a meeting for next week.

Digging some big-assed holes in the yard.

Nathan said...

We want pictures of big-assed holes in the yard!

Random Michelle K said...

Watching the Detectives? As in the Elvis Costello song?

Me? I'm learning TurningPoint and vPad software so I can write the documentation and we can start supporting it, like, yesterday.

(runs off to finish lunch and get back to work.)

John the Scientist said...

No they are for big-assed trees which I lugged all OVER the effing yard because the wife wasn't sure where she wanted them and wanted to see them in their potential spots.

She owes me.

vince said...

Cleaning up some dragging jobs that are dragging because other people in the loop haven't finished their part so I can finish mine. Top of that list - the phone company and two companies that need to provide graphics to the client to give to me.

Steve Buchheit said...

Catching up with the blogroll before taking tomorrow off to see the Nephew (the one you've helped me with) graduate from Miami of Ohio. And working my butt off to get out of here close to on-time.

kimby said...

Watching "1408" with the son who is home sick from school.
Planting herbs and hoping they will grow.
MOUNTAINS of laundry.
Lamenting that I have already wasted 1 1/2 of my four days off....BUT don't want to do anything on the "to-do" list.

Playing scrabulous with friend..and letting him win cause I feel sorry for him today. (but ONLY today)

Cooking cottage/cabbage rolls

Boy I have a boring day :(

Nathan said...

Congrats to the nephew Steve.

He getting anywhere with that writing thing?

And John, even more than pictures of big-assed holes, I wanna see video of you dragging the trees around.

mattw said...

Well I got one objective done for the day. Please excuse the self pimpage, but if you head over to I have an explanation about a new feature with a funny new post coming tomorrow. Think Mission Impossible meets the Muppets!

MWT said...

Navigating numerous logistical nightmares involved with family-related events associated with a wedding in Hawaii, wherein nobody else can get their friggin' acts together early enough for us to plan anything a reasonable amount of time in advance. Meanwhile the tunic I'm planning to wear was due at the end of April, is still not done yet, and is getting shipped last-minute to the hotel in Hawaii; panic ensuing around this situation has caused me to buy lots of extra clothing that I don't want to wear (and have I ever mentioned how much I hate shopping? I think I'll have to blog about that someday). Meanwhile the airplane tickets thing still hasn't resolved yet and I'm expecting worst-case to have to buy them completely new tickets on the day-of. Also, I stupidly agreed to work 34 hours this weekend at the takeout so that the manager can fly to New York for his citizenship test - when I really need to take care of logistics crap associated with the wedding. Also also, the boss of my dayjob would probably like me to at least finish making this website for him before I leave for the rest of the month.

In case anyone was wondering why updates on my blog have been light lately, well, now you know. -.- I'll make it up when I get back with tales and pics from Hawaii. Assuming I survive.

Jim Wright said...

I didn't comment yesterday, because my challenge for the day had me out in the shop early finishing a production run.

And just for the record - your job just sounds so fucking cool to me.