Thursday, June 5, 2008

Yet Another Request For Advice.

I grow tired of my avatar. Oh! You thought it was gonna be something important, didn't you? Sorry to disappoint.

Anyway, I'm open to suggestions for a new one, either a found one or something I can create using mac .pages program. (It'll let you put in shapes and text and stuff from jpegs)

So, got any bright ideas?

Update: Michelle said, "Teufel looking all mangy and ringwormed."

A least temporarilly


Shawn Powers said...

Something really cute.


Random Michelle K said...

The picture of you smoking the cigar.

Random Michelle K said...

Teufel looking all mangy and ringwormed.

Random Michelle K said...

Slabs of dead animal waiting to be cooked.

Random Michelle K said...

Something nicely photoshopped together.

Kinda like mine. :)

Random Michelle K said...

The picture of the meter maid vehicle with a ticket.

Random Michelle K said...

You and your hat.

Janiece said...

Groucho Marx

Random Michelle K said...


What do I what? Huh? HUh? Anything good? A million dollars? A book? What do I win?

Tania said...


I have the picture of LuLu up as the background on my monitor. I keep making people come and look at it. Because she's so cuuuuuute.

Anonymous said...

You have very strong distinctive features - you could do a lot w/ Photoshopping your own headshot. Or we could - fully within the bounds of good taste - with your permission.

In all the spare time we do not have.

(Yes, I'm writing - lotsa background research, as you will see, and about 800 words of rough draft story so far - about halfway done.)

Nathan said...

Here's a stupid question for those of you who know this sorta stuff.

I scaled down the picture to the roughly 100 x 100 blogger uses for avatars. But that makes it so that when you click on the "see full size" link, you still just get a teeny tiny picture.

Could I have loaded a full sized pic and then Blogger would have reduced it for avatar use, but had it for full size expansion?

Shawn Powers said...


Shawn Powers said...

Well, within reason. Blogger tends to choke at photos larger than say, 800x600 (sometimes it shows a broken image if they're too big)

Nathan said...
