The smug puppies are pleased, and will be submitting their own photos of extreme cuteness.
Uh, thanks. Now I'm going to have more nightmares
Nathan, I know you claim to be technologically inept, but you should be amused by the Marla Mason Twitter feed. Since you like the books., and the dogs were disturbing, but fun.
I am such a lemming. You point and I visit. As Jim says -- nightmares.Natalie
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The smug puppies are pleased, and will be submitting their own photos of extreme cuteness.
Uh, thanks. Now I'm going to have more nightmares
Nathan, I know you claim to be technologically inept, but you should be amused by the Marla Mason Twitter feed. Since you like the books.
Oh, and the dogs were disturbing, but fun.
I am such a lemming. You point and I visit. As Jim says -- nightmares.
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