Sunday, October 19, 2008

Glamour Shots of Teufel. (NSFW)

Updated to include the proper spelling of Glamour in the title. This was pointed out to me by GF just moments ago...hours after this has been out there for you to ridicule me.

Note: I actually spelled glamour right the first time, but looked at it and thought I was trying to be pretentiously removed the offending "U". Sometimes the unthinking fingers are right the first time around.

Teufel is a little jealous of LuLu getting all the recent pictures. But he's still a little shy.

Make up your mind big boy.


Anonymous said...

That's a wonderfully twisted cat shot. :)

Tania said...

Perfect. Skulk and Orphy would/do approve. They're right here, but that's because I have the kitty treat bag out. Heh.

vince said...

Good thing cats can't be embarrassed be photos like family and friends can.

Anonymous said...

Use spell check, please.
Anon GF