Jeff has a good point. There have been a lot of articles over the past few years about how TV shows (and pornos, actually) are finding that Hi-Def formats like HDTV, digital satellite and Blu-Ray are making make-up lines, wrinkles, blemishes, smears, etc. visible when they would have been masked by a lower-res image.
I read somewhere that HD is death in the porno world.
And I can confirm that Cindy McCain is just plain fucking creepy as all hell in HD, I keep expecting her head to split open and one of those lizards from "V" to come out, or a terminator endo skeleton.
And speaking of creepy terminators, saw an add last night for Cahlifornhiah with Ahhhrnold and Maria. Maria is pretty fucking creepy looking too. Just saying.
Maria has looked creepy for years...without HD. I'll be looking away from the screen the next time she shows up...sort of the way I do now with the uglier scenes on CSI. (And have you noticed how the gross out scenes always have a really wet slurpy sound?)
I'd think Cindy McCain would look far more disturbing, as she kinda weirds me out on a smaller set.
I'll let you know.
Biden looks creepier in Hi-Def. Srsly.
Everybody looks creepy in hi-def. HD is technological snake oil, I say! The emperor has no clothes!! Vive la 27" CRT!!! Fight the future!!!!
McCain is Analog in a Digital World.
And yeah, I think Cindy would creep me out more.
Jeff has a good point. There have been a lot of articles over the past few years about how TV shows (and pornos, actually) are finding that Hi-Def formats like HDTV, digital satellite and Blu-Ray are making make-up lines, wrinkles, blemishes, smears, etc. visible when they would have been masked by a lower-res image.
Steve: I find myself singing "McCain is analog in a digital world" to Madonna's "Material Girl." Something like:
McCain is analog
In a digital world
And Cindy is a creepy girl
I read somewhere that HD is death in the porno world.
And I can confirm that Cindy McCain is just plain fucking creepy as all hell in HD, I keep expecting her head to split open and one of those lizards from "V" to come out, or a terminator endo skeleton.
And speaking of creepy terminators, saw an add last night for Cahlifornhiah with Ahhhrnold and Maria. Maria is pretty fucking creepy looking too. Just saying.
Maria has looked creepy for years...without HD. I'll be looking away from the screen the next time she shows up...sort of the way I do now with the uglier scenes on CSI. (And have you noticed how the gross out scenes always have a really wet slurpy sound?)
The ultimate in large screen HD creepiness is Richard Simmons.
Be very afraid.
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