Thursday, October 2, 2008

Things Could Be Much Worse.

I was going to post a mild whine about how autumnal it's turned here. It's blustery and overcast and the temp is in the 50's. The fish aren't biting because the surface is all roiled up.

Then I checked the weather where Jim is. 26º with rain and snow.

I'm in love with the weather here. :D


MWT said...

I suppose I shouldn't mention that down where I am, it's sunny, light breeze, and 85-90...

Nathan said...

No, you really shouldn't. (But somehow I expected you to anyway.)

Cindi in CO said...

Sunny, light breeze, 75 degrees.


Anonymous said...

Auughhhh! I have to go to AK next week, just booked the stupid trip. :(

It's usual Puget Sound fall here, cool, drizzly, and so gloomy the streetlights stayed on until about 10am.

MWT, I say this with affection, you suck. Same to you, Cindi.

Random Michelle K said...

57 and mostly cloudy here.


kimby said...

57 and overcast, breezy and generally yucky. I hate this transition weather. Just bring on the snow darn it!

vince said...

50 degrees and sunny, although it was rainy earlier today.

vince said...

And Michelle, fall is my favorite time of year. Always have been. Especially cool, windy, sunny days.

Eric said...

70s here. Sunny, breezy. But I want snow this year. And cocoa. With Bailey's.

Fall and winter are my two favorite seasons. Which one takes first place sometimes changes.

Random Michelle K said...

I got to wear a SCARF today!

Yay cool weather! Come on winter!

Anonymous said...

I love fall too - the colors are my favorites, and I love the scent of fall leaves, woodsmoke, apples and harvest earth. I like the feel of the cool crisp air, sunny but there's still a chilly edge. I like putting my flannel sheets back on the bed, and making apple butter and big pots of soup.

Jim Wright said...

Yeah, Jim ain't particularly happy with the weather at the moment.

26F, no snow here yet, but it's halfway down the mountains. I'll be plowing before the end of the month. Fuck.

Oh, and MWT? Yeah, bite me. ;)

neurondoc said...

It's 57 deg here too. I LOVE this weather. Yay fall! It almost makes DC area summers worth it. When I was a kid I wanted to move to Alaska. Then I realized that is snows something like 13 months a year there. But I want to visit someday. :-)
