Monday, February 25, 2008

And The Winner is...

Chris! That's right Chris, you got 11 right and that makes you the winner. Jeff and Tania tied for 2nd with 9 correct. Kim had 8 and Shawn had 7. Tom came up with 6 correct predictions. Natalie, Janiece and Michelle brought up the rear with 4 (count 'em...4) correct answers.

Chris. Click on my profile and use the email button to send me your mailing info so I can send you your prize item of movie memorabilia.


Tania said...

Yay Chris!

:high fives Jeff:

Hey Jeff - Go us!!

The coffee is kicking in, and I am sorely in need of something to feel perky about right now.

Chris said...

I can't believe I won!

kimby said...

Yeah Chris!
Good job!

I did not bad at guessing this year, but am a little disappointed at all the Canadian hopefuls left sitting in the stands. (we did have 10 (i think) chances) Maybe next year....

Jeff Hentosz said...

Awright, Chris. Waytago, Waytago. Good hustle!

::squirt of chaw juice into spit cup::

Good work, Tania.

::swats Tania on the ... gets arm twisted behind back and is made to kiss the wall::

Random Michelle K said...

I got 4? Wow!

Way to go Chris!

neurondoc said...

Considering I hadn't seen any of the movies this year ans knew next to nothing about them, I figure 4 is an impressive score... :-) Good for you Chris.

Janiece said...

I told you I didn't know shit about your business. But at least I entered early!

Nathan said...

Just so everyone knows, Chris emailed me basically saying, "I won? ME? I never win anything. Must be someone else. C'mon, ME?"

I got a kick out of that.

Nathan said...


If I'd have been playing, I'm pretty sure that Ratatouille would have been my only correct prediction. I don't even get Oscars after they announce the winners. At one point last night, after they announced one of the awards, I got up and went to the kitchen. When I got back, they were still making their acceptance speech. I had already forgotten what they won for.