Chris! That's right Chris, you got 11 right and that makes you the winner. Jeff and Tania tied for 2nd with 9 correct. Kim had 8 and Shawn had 7. Tom came up with 6 correct predictions. Natalie, Janiece and Michelle brought up the rear with 4 (count 'em...4) correct answers.
Chris. Click on my profile and use the email button to send me your mailing info so I can send you your prize item of movie memorabilia.
Yay Chris!
:high fives Jeff:
Hey Jeff - Go us!!
The coffee is kicking in, and I am sorely in need of something to feel perky about right now.
I can't believe I won!
Yeah Chris!
Good job!
I did not bad at guessing this year, but am a little disappointed at all the Canadian hopefuls left sitting in the stands. (we did have 10 (i think) chances) Maybe next year....
Awright, Chris. Waytago, Waytago. Good hustle!
::squirt of chaw juice into spit cup::
Good work, Tania.
::swats Tania on the ... gets arm twisted behind back and is made to kiss the wall::
I got 4? Wow!
Way to go Chris!
Considering I hadn't seen any of the movies this year ans knew next to nothing about them, I figure 4 is an impressive score... :-) Good for you Chris.
I told you I didn't know shit about your business. But at least I entered early!
Just so everyone knows, Chris emailed me basically saying, "I won? ME? I never win anything. Must be someone else. C'mon, ME?"
I got a kick out of that.
If I'd have been playing, I'm pretty sure that Ratatouille would have been my only correct prediction. I don't even get Oscars after they announce the winners. At one point last night, after they announced one of the awards, I got up and went to the kitchen. When I got back, they were still making their acceptance speech. I had already forgotten what they won for.
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