Thursday, February 7, 2008

My Avatar Sucks.

I've been using an image of Rincewind from the Discworld Series. Its...uh...lame. Anybody got a better idea? Suggestions are welcome. Links to cool images are even more welcome.

Am I stalling again? Youbetcha!


Shawn Powers said...

Maybe singing, "Don't eat my liver.. do da, do da..."

Shawn Powers said...

(You know, if I keep picking on your Jewish cuisine, 2 things might happen. I might never get to taste them, and the guy upstairs might go old testament on my arse for pickin on his peeps.)

Nathan said...

I find that banging on the ceiling with a broom gets the guy upstairs to quiet down. :D

Random Michelle K said...

Rincewind? Really?

I much prefer the Librarian. OOK!

Nathan said...


I took the quiz and scored as Lord Havelock Vetinari. While that's extremely cool, the picture they had is crrrrrrrrap!

Still looking for a good Avatar.

Janiece said...

A depiction of an Hassidic Jew would make me laugh.

I'm not sure why, though.

Is that offensive? I don't mean it to be...

Nathan said...

Not offended so much, but just to put it in context, I look at Hassids pretty much the way John the Scientist looks at YEC's.

The only real difference is that YEC's are try telling everybody to be like them and Hassids only talk to each other.

Nathan said...

"are try telling"

literate much?

Tania said...

Maybe something from Monty Python? I can't get to good image sites from work (evil nannyware), but I could poke around tonight.

I got Nanny Ogg as my Diskworld Character the first time and Vetinari the second time. I'd go with either.