Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Chinese Food, Rednecks and Mysterious Personages.

Shortly, I'll be off to have lunch with John The Scientist, who has many aliases, many job descriptions and many mysteries surrounding him. This will be my first experience with meeting anyone I "met" online. Presumably, I'll be able to report back with all the info and with both my kidneys still in place. Just sayin'.

If by any chance you don't hear from me later today, please notify the proper authorities. :-)


Janiece said...

Good Luck, Nathan. Remember to stay somewhere well-lighted. With the exits fully in view.

But if John turns out to be a FDWaL, Anne and I will come and avenge you, having survived our first meeting.

Right, Anne?

Random Michelle K said...

Oooh! Pictures? (Assuming you both survive the meeting.)

Shawn Powers said...

Eh, pictures even if you don't? ;)

Anne C. said...

Hee! Right! Watch out, John, I know where you grew up!

(Unless, of course, Nathan's the axe murderer in which case, we'll avenge you, John. BHS forever! ;)

kimby said...

Mmmmmm.....chinese food....thanks..yet another thing to stop me from working today. Really..i think you all are a bad influence

Jeff Hentosz said...

Don't worry about Nathan, folks. Even in the unlikely event John set him up like a bowling pin, the NY police have detectives who can solve even the most heinous murder in less than half an hour. It's true; I've seen it on the teevee.

John the Scientist said...

Nathan was still ambulatory when last I saw him at the 42nd street subway station around 1:30. I expect he'll post soon. With pictures.

Jeff Hentosz said...

I knew you were okay all along, John!

Nathan said...

I am, indeed, safe and sound. I'll be posting shortly. (As soon as I've overcome a little computery deficiency I have.)

Nathan said...

In the meantime, just trot back over to yesterday's post and call each other more nasty names. :-)