Monday, April 14, 2008

Another Brilliant Idea Comes To Naught.

I was just thinking about what to make for dinner and the concept of grilled meatloaf came to mind. I took this a step further and was trying to figure out how to make a meatloaf stay on the rotisserie.

GF said I should ask you guys.


Random Michelle K said...

You lost me at meatloaf. :)

It seems to me you should simply make hamburger patties out of what you normally make meatloaf from.

As far as rotisserie--ain't got not o' them there fancy schmancy appliances up heres.

Nathan said...

God save us from vegan meat-prep advice. :)

Michelle, meatloaf require not only proper ingredients, it must be big and loaf-y. Burger sized meatloafs are called hockey pucks.

Random Michelle K said...

What? You don't put egg and onion and garlic and a dash of breadcrumbs in your burgers?

Janiece said...

You need a cage to hold the loaf. You could probably make one out of an old screen door, then poke the rotisserie pole through the whole mess.

Nathan said...

"You need a cage to hold the loaf."

That totally makes the Best Of...

I just have this image now of little wild meatloafs fighting it to the death in a cage match.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing (the cage, not the cage match); I'm having visions of Ron Popeil doing Rotissimat commercials. "But wait, there's more! You can cook a meatlof in your Rotissimat with this handy meatloaf cage! And if you call right now, we'll include this handy cat macros generator that produces a steady stream of laugh-out-loud entertainment while you set it and forget it!

Anne C. said...

Hee! Justin, that's a great mental image.

I could have sworn I saw something like that on a cooking show, and since the main one I watch is Good Eats, I did a search on that. Turns out Alton only has a very good regular meatloaf recipe.
A quick search yielded the following results, one of which is grilled (flat, I imagine) and the other cooked on a rotisserie.

Anne C. said...

Oh, meant to add. What I thought I saw may indeed have been on that infomercial Justin referenced. Heh.

I'd go with the Alton recipe, personally.

Nathan said...

Anne, the direction to "stuff the basket full of meatloaf mix", makes me want to rethink the whole concept.

Anonymous said...

Anne C:

Alton Brown is my hero! I never miss an episode of Good Eats even though I'm a vegamaterrible - even when he's up to his elbows in turkey (Stuffing is evil!), I'm glued to the screen.

And, indeed, the Ronco "set it and forget it" Showtime Rotisserie does (did?) have a basket, intended for burgers and other not-easily-skewered fare, into which a meatloaf could be inserted.

Steve Buchheit said...

Nathan, don't be dissing Mr. Brown.

And when you were saying grilling and then rotisserie, you lost me. We don't need no new fangled devices to grill. Heck, wrap loaf in foil, and cook on a covered grill. You'll have to keep watch on your fire (unless you're a propane guy). But nothing to it. If you're really scared, get a vegetable tray and lay it on that. I wouldn't do a full thickness loaf (cooking through will be the issue, without drying out the crust), but if you've done full chickens on the grill, a loaf shouldn't be a problem.

Nathan said...

OK, now I'm hearing intimations that I might fear my grill? Fucking blasphemy.

I have the grill that looks like an oil drum sliced in half. It uses real briquets, not evil propane. It has a little motor that attaches to one end which turns a spit over the fire. There is no fear involved and we're not talking about some Ronco-buy-it-on-TV-POS.

I just didn't want a whole big falling apart meatcicle involved.

And I didn't dis Mr. Brown. I don't even know who the hell he is.

And Stuffing is not evil.
No it's not.


Nathan said...

I have to go look at pictures of puppies now.

Random Michelle K said...

Here Nathan. Have some lip gloss.

(runs away)

Random Michelle K said...


Cthulhu tentacle porn fantasies HERE! Get your read hot burning tentacles in all KINDS of orifices HERE!

Random Michelle K said...

Nathan was sitting at his kitchen table admiring his toaster when there was a somewhat sodden thud at the door.

As he stood up to answer the door, he pulled his silk robe slightly closes, so it exposed only his manly chest and his shapely legs below the knee.

When he opened the door he was surprised to find Cthulhu standing there, in a saucy bikini.

"I'm you're new neighbor," purred Cthulhu. "I was wondering if I could borrow a cup of sugar?"

Nathan eyed Cthulhu up and down, then with a wink, said, "sure thing, come on in!"

As Nathan turned to walk back into the house, Cthulhu's tentacle snaked out and reached towards

Random Michelle K said...

Ladies and Gentleman,

We would like to take this opportunity to apologize for the proceeding story. We do not know where it came from, or how it managed to escape, as it is most certainly not up to our high standards.

Please be certain that the previous story was taken out back, beaten soundly, and then stuffed back into the dark crevices of the authors mind.

We hope that no similar incidents will occur again.

Nathan said...

Revenge is a dish best served cold...and I have an excellent refrigerator.

mattw said...

Tried grilled meatloaf once. The consistency was too thin and it turned into grilled slop.

Anonymous said...

Shish ke babs. In particular, middle eastern restaurants have some sort of lamb sausage meatloaf thing grilled on a skewer - it's yummy. I wish I could remember the name. ;)

Random Michelle K said...

1) gyros

2) Does this mean you don't love me anymore? (pout)

Nathan said...


You're talking about Shwarma...the big spiced lamb concoction that gets cooked on the outside and then pieces shaved off to serve. Gyro is the Greek version.


Love has nothing to do with it. Somewhere, sometime, when you least expect it....

Tom said...

I'm surprised that you people don't know even elementary meat-loaf grilling techniques. The proper way to rotisserie grill meat-loaf is to wrap it in bacon!

As for Cthulhu bikini tentacle pr0n, that's just WRONG!

Random Michelle K said...

... I'll be hiding in your refrigerator, jump out and say "Hi!"?

And Tom? Nathan started it!

Nathan said...

My grilling rarely involves bacon. The flare-up potential requires too much vigilance. (Also, wrapping meatloaf in bacon, what with the string ties or toothpicks, doesn't really hold together much better until it 'sets' and firms up. You have the potential for a saggy mass that just immolates itself.)


Please don't sit on the watermelon.

Random Michelle K said...

You have watermelon?!

We've still got the tail end dregs of winter citrus fruits and the start of spring berries.