The last installment of Sophie from Shinola was posted on Sunday. Tania was supposed to be next in line but she's apparently very busy so,'re up. We'll come back to Tania and I'm pretty sure there's someone else who got skipped over. get your don't have to finish, but you need to provide a pretty good setup for those who do.
Update: Sophie from Shinola has brought the first, to my knowledge, hit to Polybloggimous from someone who was searching for pron. And to make that all so much shinier, the search originated in Tehran. FTW! Take that, you Iranian pron searcher!
Update the second: Tania has peeked out from behind a massive pile of old, new and undifferentiated paperwork to let me know she's happy to be skipped for the moment and will pick up the thread when she's able. Justin will be next and I'll post links when he's ready.
I was the other one who was skipped; I'm quite happy to take the end, I already have an idea in mind.
Charles...please let us know you got the message.
I'll e-mail C and let him know.
no, no, it wasn't that i was afraid of having to end it so much as i just didn't want to be responsible for the climax. i'll be happy to take my turn at the end of the line, 'specially since i wasn't expecting to be up so soon (i kept checking in and saw no movement). justin, if'n you don't mind, you go on ahead as planned.
(meesh, thanks for the holla)
OK by me. Justin?
i just didn't want to be responsible for the climax.
Just like a guy!
Charles opened his broad mouth, then suddenly snapped it shut, thinking better to hum instead.
Hey, just realizing that a story this length, well, the climax kinda has to come the very end, right? Ok, if that's the case, then mebbe I'll jump in now and let Justin close it out with the idea he has on the back burner.
Gimme til tomorrow tho.
I'm just confused now. Whoever gets me the next installment next.
Sophie has been missed! How could we have just left our 3 hero/heroines hanging? All set up and nowhere to go!
Fear not Tom,
I'm expecting an installment by morning at the latest.
I am firmly planted (he he) at the end; I shall not be moved!
Unless, you know, there are cookies, in which case, I might wander off in that general direction, oh and if there's a bar, well, then who knows what might happen, but, er, um, oh yeah, I shall not be moved!
You are welcome to your place at the end and you're also a welcome newish member of the loony bin.
ok, my bad. temporarily swamped, swallowed more than i could chew. i have an idea for something which could prolly fit in just about anywhere (so, yeah, justin you can still keep the-end-which-was-actually-mines-originally). and by "anywhere" i do include nowhere. it's that weird. but i'll sleep on it, back to you soon.
ok, it's up. it's well off the beaten path both plotwise (plot? wot plot?) and structurewise so i won't be the least bit offended if it gets left by the wayside.
thanks for letting me participate in this. i was telling meesh this was both more fun and more terrifying than i'd anticipated.
that's my time. thank you and good night!
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