Monday, April 28, 2008

Ironical Realization!

So, for however long it's been, I've been crowing to the world that Tania is on Jeopardy tonight. And since early last week, I've known that my sister was going to be in town tonight and I'd be meeting her for dinner.

The two pieces of knowledge just collided for the first time about an hour ago. If I'm meeting my sister for dinner (which I am), I will miss Jeopardy tonight. No TIVO, no VCR, noDVR.


If anyone feels like live blogging the event so I can read about it later, that would be cool.


Anonymous said...

Jeopardy is on mid-afternoon here, so I have to Tivo. Maybe someone would know - is there any site that webcasts the shows?

Anne C. said...

Shawn was also speculating about this. I have TiFaux, but no way of transferring the recording to a digital format. :(

Jim Wright said...

That reminds me, I have to go set up the DVR.

Hmmm, tell you what - I'll call you every time Tania gets up to bat and read you the Answer.

vince said...

It's on in the afternoon here, and she's answered her first three questions correctly!

vince said...

She has the lead at the first break!

vince said...

A classmate of hers has also been on the show.

She's not doing as well on Double Jeopardy.

vince said...

Ooo, a Rocky and Bullwinkle answer.

vince said...

She's doing well with the Physics category.

vince said...

Oops, she missed the correlais effect as the question for a video demonstration of a physisc effect.

vince said...

She did well with the Anagrams category too, especially at the end.

Now it's time for Final Jeopardy.

Note: I could do more but the freakin' captchs are being evil.

vince said...

Forgive the bad spelling so far - I figure you can figure what I mean.

Final Jeopardy.

Tania is in second place.

Category - Royal Wives
The answer is Her marriage to Henry VIII lasted less than a year, but she had the last laugh, surviving him by ten years.

vince said...

Awww.. she lost.

All three contestants got the answer wrong, but Ric, the previous day's winner, didn't wager so much. Both Tania and the other lady wagered big. Tania had $12,400, and was left with $101.

The question? Who was Katherine Parr.

vince said...

And Tania is tall! They stand on boxes to get everyone the same height while palying (thus says Tania in her blog) but at the end when they're out front, you can see how tall she is. The other lady was really short, and even Ric, the winner, was shorter than Tania.

And that's the way it was, Monday April 28, 2008, on Jeopardy!

Nathan said...

Thanks Vince.

Excellent Play by Play!

Jim Wright said...

Yeah, thanks, Vince - for some reason I couldn't find it in my line up.

And yes, Tania is tall - she's also interesting, cool as all hell, and a hell of lot more knowledgeable about Royal Wives than I am :)

Jim Wright said...

And what the hell is up with the capcha lately? I can hardly figure out what the damned letters are. Did my eyes go wonky or did blogger change something?

Jim Wright said...

Hey! I didn't miss it! It's on right now, woohoo! I'm recording

Nathan said...

Yeah, the capcha got weird. They're using slantier letters and jamming them together so that no human can decipher them. I notice that I don't have to use them on your (Jim's) site. Is there something I can turn off that will get rid of them for all of you?

Spam isn't exactly a problem (yet)around here.

Nathan said...

Never mind, found it.

You are all hereby relieved of capcha duty (until the spambots invade).

Random Michelle K said...

Three cheers for Nathan and the death of the dastardly capatchas!

vince said...

The deadly capchas are because the even more evil spammers have written software to read the capchas and sent much spam and created much spam Blogger accounts. And the Interweebs did bring great wrath upon Google, who owns Blogger, for allowing this to happen and do nothing. Thus Google the all-powerful has made capchas that even humans can hardly decipher.

Plenty of suckage to go around.

Anonymous said...

Just finished watching it. Tania, you did great! Definitely came across as a brainy woman! And how tall was that tiny gal beside you anyway?

Way to go!

kimby said...

I missed it!
But thanks for the commentary....I am going to see if i can find a spot to download it.
(darn birthday parties...)

Unknown said...

what's capcha? I don't get what you guys are talking about (hey it isn't called i don't know for nothing).

Nathan said...

I may have spelled it wrong Saqib, but we're talking about those random letters you have to type into a box to prove you're human before you can submit a comment.

I've turned that off here.

Anonymous said...

Captcha stands for:

Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart

And it's really annoying.

Anonymous said...

CAPTCHAs are getting tougher on all Google sites, because spammers broke the seemingly-unbreakable gMail CAPTCHA towards the end of February (reports surfaced on the 27th, but the actual break was some time before then). Expect that they'll only get worse as more are broken. :(