After much battling with the producers of 13th Child, The Legend of the Jersey Devil, The Directors Guild of America has forced them to cough up the residual checks they owe. As Unit Production Manager on that wonderfully successful motion picture (theatrical gross receipts-$0.00, Pay TV gross receipts-$11,319, DVD sales gross receipts-$29,817), I got a check today for my share of the residuals.
Maybe I'll buy beer instead.
Or a toaster.
Or pizza.
See, that's why you should have held out for points.
Points are almost always based on net receipts, which can be proved to be zero on a movie that grosses 700 bazillion trillion dollars.
(Hence the winking emoticon. Also, the humor in the fact that it doesn't sound like any fancy-shmancy accounting is necessary to prove the net receipts on 13th Child are pretty close to zero based on your post.)
(So, yeah, I was trying to be funny but apparently had T3h Big Fail. Sorry.)
("Pretty close to zero" in the last post being more irony, since it sounds like the net receipts were negative.)
(Shutting up now.)
Congrats Nathan. Why not use that check to buy some delicious Dominos pizza?
As an aside, someone actually made a movie about the Jersey Devil?! Why wasn't I informed about this? I'm always the last to know...
Based on that whopping $40,000 gross receipts, you're certainly not the last to know. Seems to me there's a few million more viewers who know nothing about this.
On the bright side, I got to spend two months in beautiful Hammonton, NJ. I bet you've been through that gorgeous metropolis.
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